Bonjour, my dear!
A month... One month has gone. I'm sad a little bit, but I have another one.
This one was filled with amazing moments and events! I was in different, wonderful places and I will never forget that.
Today I want to tell you about one of my biggest jornies here, in France. I tell in France, because this journey was held outside Paris.
It even further than Normandy. It's near the sea, where you can watch tides every day! This place is called Le Mont St. Michel. There're a big castle on the sea & there I had a great tour. I'm glad that my mom made a lot of pictures, so no I have all of that day at phone's memory:)
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That's how our journey started. I'm sleepy here, because we left at 5 am! This is my breakfast. I fell in love with this croissant & jam! And I got my cup of cofee, which was very helpful! |
This baby we saw on our way to cafe. She was crawling somewhere, when my mom shouted: "Look! Snail!" And we made a picture:) |
This howl is a rabbit's house! There were a lot of rabbits near the cafe we stopped at. It was amazing to wach this cute animalls were running on this little field. This is one of more others rabit's homes:) |
On that place there're a lot of rabbit's burrows. |
And here's an appl- tree. It's unusual for me to see an apple-tree near the filling. |
As I told, the destination of our journey was outside France and further than Normandy. So we stopped there to have a break. Also we saw there a souvenir's shop. There I found this cool apron:) You can see another on the photo lower. |
And here's a parking of our destination. It's unusual too, because cars there are standing on the sand. |
There were a lot of poppies:) |
Before we went to St. Michel Mountain, we went to town's cafe. |
And I was eating.... |
The Mulies. They were very tasty!!! |
And then my mom made a sweet little photoshoot for me:) |
I'm a gourment!!! |
And here it is: Le Mont St. Michel! |
And me... |
And my mom:) |
I love love love this picture!!! |
Only amagine, that this bridge was used by kings & queens! |
Jeanne d'Arc. |
My mom called this picturelike that: "Granny, Daughter & Granddaughter":) |
I always wanted to see houses like that one. On the first floor there are cafes, shops... |
And this is a castle itself! |
On our way higher, we noticed this alone rose bush. |
Haha, of caurse the door is the main on the picture. Not me:)) |
On this pic I hold my hat as I ask money, ha! |
People lived there! It's amazing:) |
It's very majestic! |
Sight from high... |
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This sea is unusual. In the morning you can not see any water, but in the evening you can watch the water goes up. |
This is my new house:) Of caurse it needs to be repaired, but I can live there with my prince:)) |
Despite the fact that this garden is small, it is very beautiful! |
It's not an UFO! It's just a hole of fire place:) |
Haha, I got there a little bit hard, but I love the picture:)) |
So you see the first part of my journey to Le Mont St. Michel! Soon, very soon I will write about second.
Hope, you liked it!
Au revoir, from Paris with Love, your Kristina.